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Minimizing Business Disruption Amid Rising Bomb Threats

In recent months from coast to coast, the Nation has experienced an uptick in bomb threats. Schools, retailers, houses of worship, government offices and businesses have all been targets. In just three days, three different Iowa schools received bomb threats requiring evacuation. Last month, a Florida man was arrested after claiming to plant a bomb at a local big box retailer and dozens of Colorado schools and synagogues were evacuated after receiving bomb threats.

Detection Dog Spotlight: Joe and Zeus

Countless people shopped at the Nation’s malls this holiday season in search of just the right gifts for family and friends. Enhanced Protection Services Canine Handler Joe Rios and three-year-old German Shepherd Zeus also spent many days at a prominent retail shopping center in a New York City borough – carrying out searches of a different kind.

Detection Dog Spotlight: James and Jean

There is nothing like landing your very first job. After all the studying and training, it is rewarding to finally put your skills to work. You know what they say – find a job you enjoy, and never work a day in your life. That is certainly the case for Jean, whose first job is a perfect fit. Each morning, she cannot wait to get to the office and bury her nose in her work – literally.

Mailroom Security: Hidden Vulnerabilities

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it has never been more critical to ensure mailroom security. In 2019, Dangerous Mail Investigations inspectors addressed over 3,000 mail incidents involving suspicious items, substances, powders, or liquids. Furthermore, they responded to 10 high-profile cases linked to hazardous mail, targeting federal and state government officials, foreign embassies, religious organizations, and news media agencies.

Detection Dog Spotlight: Scott and Seth

Faces light up when he walks through the lobby to report for work each weekday morning. Seth is a real favorite among the more than 50,000 employees here at their Manhattan headquarters. He’s been on the job for only a few months, but Seth keeps his nose buried in his work. His outstanding performance has quickly made him a key asset, earning praise from everyone – including the company’s CEO. Some might say, Seth is a real “top dog.” They would be right.

Protective Program Guidance

As organizations develop protective security policies and procedures to support individuals and groups in need, they must consider the ever-present factor of risk.

Background and Talent Staffing

To excel in executive protection, it's important to hire based on character and training aptitude, as outlined in the book The Talent War.