Today’s shopping malls include more entertainment venues, theaters, restaurants and events that attract shoppers and increase patronage. This approach is designed to make the property a shopping destination, and it is building vitality back into many malls that have seen vacancy rates increase and sales decrease. This change specifically appeals to the tastes of young adults. “Despite being far more tech-savvy than previous generations, Generation Y, the 80-million strong cohort of Americans between the ages of 18 and 35, has not forsaken shopping in stores for online purchasing – as long as retailers keep their offerings ‘fresh’ and interesting,” says a report from the Urban Land Institute (ULI) released last year.
Fresh innovations at malls include book signings, community events, limited release of coveted new sneakers aimed at the “sneakerhead” market of tween, teen and young adults, and celebrity appearances tied to new products. Without appropriate planning with mall management, retail store owners, police, EMS and the contract security company, any of these events could erupt into violence, chaos and vandalism.
Violence erupting over sneakers or a chance to see a favorite celebrity is avoidable and today’s savvy mall owners and retailers understand that planning is crucial. No event exists in a silo and a celebrity driven sale at one retailer impacts the entire property.
Pre-planning is essential…
Meetings must be held in advance with event companies, retailers, security and law enforcement
Frequent updates are important as is a carefully planned strategy
Considerations include managing queue lines, occupant participation and building occupancy loads, participant headcount to available merchandise, and increased traffic
The appropriate level of security and law enforcement staffing needs to be determined and accommodated
On the surface, a shopper visiting the mall during a high profile event might see mall security simply as officers on patrol. But what’s beyond the surface is what makes those officers effective – and the mall a safer place. A comprehensive approach to today’s shopping mall security includes training, technology, and an emphasis on safety, communication, collaboration and location-specific personnel selection.
About the Author
Bud Bradley is the Vice President of National Accounts Portfolio Management at Allied Universal.