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Veteran Rick Ward

Growing up, Rick Ward was surrounded by the military way of life as his father was a Captain in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War and his grandfather as well as his uncles all served in the military.

Veteran Lamont Moore

Looking back on his military career, Veteran Lamont Moore is thankful to his friend for giving him information about joining the Navy. The number one reason why he stayed in the military for more than 20 years is because it was an honor for him to be able to protect his country so Americans can live peacefully.

Drones Have Safety Flying High

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones as they are more commonly referred to, are compact in size, have the ability to hover closer than a helicopter, can discreetly maneuver tight areas and provide a bird’s eye perspective of operations. More importantly, with safety at the crux of the CPCU industry, drones have the ability to go safely where people sometimes cannot.