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Improve Security by Outsourcing

Can you get great security personnel with a contract security firm? The answer is absolutely “YES.” Many high level administrators incorrectly assume that only a proprietary team run by their security director are capable of administering a quality security program. But this is not the case. Security professionals love what they do whether it’s working for an in-house program or a contractor. So why not look at outsourcing? Working with a security contract firm has many advantages. Here are a few of the advantages of contracting:

Do You Have an Operational Safety Net?

The days of a single-minded security officer who only reacts when called upon are long over. In today’s industrial and manufacturing environment, security’s role goes beyond the guardhouse. The new age security officer must have an active role in a company’s overall mission. 

Finding Your Way: Successful Transit Security

Transit systems play a vital role in the economic and cultural vitality of our communities, and require a robust, complex and often costly infrastructure. It’s no surprise that as one of our most accessible and important critical infrastructure assets, security for these systems is essential. Protecting ridership, employees and physical assets requires special training, an understanding of the unique aspects of transit security, and a certain level of creativity balanced with the reality of limited funds.

What Kind of Security Officer Do You Need?

Every building, organization and corporate culture is unique. Security programs, and security officers, must be viewed through the same lens.

When a security director or organizational leader makes the decision to begin or enhance a security program, the decision making doesn’t end there. Many types of security responsibilities need to be considered so that the right security officers are selected. With that in mind, what kind of security officers do you need?

How to Write A Corporate Executive Protection Strategy

There aren’t many corporate executive protection strategy documents lying around in corporate headquarters or in executive protection companies. Blueprints that cover the strategy essentials are not available online. Why? We believe this is due to two simple but interrelated factors.

Elevating Security Office Engagement through Recognition

How can a physical security program ensure the participation of highly engaged security officers and supervisors? A robust learning and development and career “pathing” program for security officers results in a security team that is ready, willing and able to take on the most rigorous and demanding security challenges. 

Hostility Management in the Workplace and Beyond

The unpredictable nature of facing a hostile situation means the potential for danger is a palpable possibility every day. Whether it’s inside or outside the workplace, hostility can occur at any time.