Security Staffing RFP: Building a Partnership

To enjoy a long-standing, trusted partnership with your security provider, it is important to initiate a transparent relationship right from the beginning. A well-planned RFP can help build this foundation. By soliciting the appropriate information and level of detail during the RFP process, you will create an apples-to-apples comparison of each provider, so there are no surprises once services begin.

Security's Emergency Response: Helping You Weather the Storm

In emergency situations, a quality security program is a vital resource. Weather-related emergencies have been frequent and treacherous this season, even in parts of the country where winter storms are rare. It is important to have contingency plans, regardless of location, to ensure the safety of employees, the continuation of operations and a consistent security presence. 

Taking a Leadership Position on Hiring the Unemployed

President Obama’s State of the Union address focused on a critical issue facing our nation – long term unemployment. This issue is of concern to business leaders and individuals alike. And, regardless of political beliefs, the support for this topic is resonating across America. I was honored to participate in President Obama’s forum for CEOs on long-term unemployment last week. 

Keeping High Profile Meetings Safe and Secure

Before the advent of smartphones, planting covert listening devices was the most popular way to illegally record content from a private meeting. Today, with an estimated 130 million smartphones in use in the United States, every user has the potential to be a covert meeting operative with their own Wi-Fi receiver, camera, audio recorder, keyboard and computer at their disposal.