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Smartphones in Disasters

The first cellphone was developed in 1973 by Motorola Researcher, Martin Cooper. Heavy and clunky, that first device was a far cry from the sleek, versatile mobile phones of today. Since Cooper’s invention, companies have competed to produce more portable technology and offer better connectivity. And they have largely succeeded.

New Technologies Work in Tandem to Amplify Security Awareness for Proactive Response

Whether regional or national, business leaders face the impact of globalization. In today’s world, it is not a question of if a crisis will affect an enterprise, but when. Events, such as a terror attack, data breach, pandemic or travel ban, that happen on the other side of the world can affect business resilience and valuation just as much as those down the street or on premise. 

CERC Training

One of the most important tools for effective disaster management is communication. With lives at risk, the need to quickly, effectively and accurately communicate is crucial.

Burnout: When Bad Things Happen to Good Executive Protection Agents

Job burnout, or work-related stress, is an ever-present risk for busy EP agents. While almost none of the alpha types in our industry are willing to admit it, many of us have worked the crazy hours that lead up to burnout – and more than a few of us have discovered the negative consequences of work-related stress too late.

Still Need a New Year’s Resolution…Get Certified in Security

Now that the holiday excitement has finally settled, it’s time to decide how to truly improve yourself in the new year. You may still have that flyer from your local fitness club and are strongly considering spending time in a cycling class or on the pull-up bar. To some, physical fitness and appearance are the main priorities. For rising security leaders, I would like to put a different flyer in your hand—one that touts developing yourself professionally.

The Role of Intelligence Analysis in High Net Worth Protection Programs

Intelligence analysts now play an increasingly important role in safeguarding a wide variety of corporate interests, too, ranging from the protection of people to understanding risks that might impact anything from supply chains to critical assets such as production facilities, brands and reputations.

Superior Security Selection: 8 Screening Differentiators

Employee hiring and screening are vital support functions for any company, but they may be the most important functions for a security company. If your security provider doesn’t have the right people in place, it reflects poorly on you, can leave your organization open to risk and can even impact your brand. 

Security Staffing RFP: Identify Cost and Value

Selecting a security services provider is a crucial step and there are many factors to take into consideration when building an RFP. By taking the time to strategize and establish guidelines for what potential partners must include, you can ensure that you will have all the pertinent information you need to make a well-informed decision.